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Can I Get a Root Canal While Pregnant?

June 20, 2023
Can I Get a Root Canal While Pregnant?

Pregnancy can make you question a lot of things. They say a baby changes everything, and it starts before they’re even born. Suddenly your body doesn’t belong to just you anymore and you have to be more careful. 

A common question that arises during pregnancy is in regards to dental care. Should you go to the dentist while you’re pregnant? Can you get dental procedures such as a root canal? Here’s what dentists and dental specialists recommend. 

What is a Root Canal? 

The root canal is the inner chamber of a tooth containing the dental pulp, a soft tissue made up of primarily blood vessels and nerves. Root canal therapy is a procedure used to treat or prevent a tooth infection. When bacteria invades the root canal, such as through a crack in a tooth or a deep cavity, it can infect the pulp. An infected tooth can be painful and quickly spread to other parts of the mouth and body, so it should be treated promptly. 

A root canal procedure involves the removal of the dental pulp from the inside of the tooth, along with any infected tissue. The root canal is thoroughly cleaned out and disinfected, then filled with a rubbery composite material that takes the place of the dental pulp and is resistant to infection. In most cases a crown will be placed over the tooth following a root canal. 

Are Root Canals Safe For Patients Who Are Pregnant? 

A root canal procedure has been certified safe during pregnancy. Root canal therapy can be done with just local anesthesia, which is safe when administered during pregnancy. No additional sedation is required, which makes root canals extremely low risk. Nitrous oxide or other sedatives are not recommended during pregnancy, so it is best to avoid the use of these during your procedure. 

When is the Best Time to Have a Root Canal During Pregnancy?

If you are pregnant and need a preventive root canal, meaning the tooth is not infected but merely at risk of infection, the best time to have the procedure done is during your second trimester. By this time in your pregnancy any morning sickness you may have experienced will most likely have subsided. You will probably find it easier to lie on your back before the third trimester so that you will be more comfortable in the dental chair. 

How Long Can a Root Canal Wait? 

Putting off a root canal may be ok in some cases. As long as the tooth doesn’t hurt, it may be possible to wait until after the baby is born to have the procedure. But don’t wait too long afterwards, because the tooth is at risk of developing an infection. The sooner it is treated, the better the chance that it can be saved. 

If your tooth is already causing you pain, the root canal should not wait. The infection could spread and become a serious health risk to you and your unborn baby. 

Elite Endodontics of NH Provides Safe Root Canal Therapy 

If you are pregnant and in need of root canal therapy, Elite Endodontics of NH provides safe root canal procedures. We can perform the procedure with just local anesthesia to ensure the health and safety of you and your developing baby. All of the necessary precautions will be taken to ensure you are comfortable and safe. We would be happy to address any questions or concerns you may have regarding root canal therapy. 

Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment. 

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