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A loose primary (baby) tooth is a normal occurrence. Baby teeth are supposed to be shed to make room for the permanent teeth to come in. But when a permanent tooth is loose, it will most likely require treatment to be saved. 


What are the chances that a loose permanent tooth can be saved? What type of treatment will it need? Learn about the process for saving a loose tooth and the endodontist’s role. 

What Causes a Permanent Tooth to Become Loose?

A permanent tooth may become loose for a variety of reasons:

  • Trauma. An accident or injury (dental trauma) can knock a permanent tooth loose in the socket. 
  • Gum disease. Gum disease can damage the support structures for the teeth and cause permanent teeth to become loose. 
  • Teeth grinding. Chronic teeth grinding can cause permanent teeth to become loose. 
  • Health issues. There are other health conditions that can lead to loose teeth, such as pregnancy, cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis, and more. 
  • Root damage. If there is damage to the roots of the tooth it may become loose. This can occur due to gum disease, impacted teeth, or other causes. 

How Can You Tell a Permanent Tooth From a Baby Tooth in Kids?

If your child has a loose tooth, you may be wondering if it is a baby tooth or a permanent tooth. You can tell the difference by the size of the tooth and the location. Baby teeth are significantly smaller than permanent teeth. You can compare the different sizes of the teeth if there are other permanent teeth already in place. The only molars that are shed as baby teeth are the 2 year molars, so if it is a larger molar it is likely a permanent tooth. 

What To Do For a Loose Permanent Tooth

If you or your child have a loose tooth that you believe is a permanent tooth, contact your dentist. Your dentist can evaluate the condition of the tooth and determine if a referral to an endodontist is necessary to save the tooth. 

How is a Loose Permanent Tooth Treated?

The appropriate treatment for a loose tooth depends on the cause and the condition of the tooth. Treatment may involve: 

  • Stabilization. In some cases the tooth may need to be stabilized while the support structures can tighten it back into place to provide support. A splint may be used to secure the tooth to the other stable teeth for a temporary period of time. 
  • Scaling and root planing. If the tooth is loose due to gum disease, scaling and root planing may help to clear up the infection and encourage the gum tissue to reattach more firmly to the tooth. 
  • Night guard. If one or more teeth are loose due to teeth grinding, wearing a night guard can take the pressure off those teeth while they restabilize. 
  • Root canal therapy. Dental trauma that is severe enough to knock a tooth loose can cause damage to the inside of the tooth that is not immediately visible. The tooth may need a root canal or other endodontic therapy to be saved following an injury. 
  • An Endodontist’s Role in Saving Teeth 

A tooth that has experienced trauma may be damaged on the inside where the dental pulp resides. It can cause a tooth to break down from the inside and eventually become unsavable. An endodontist may be able to save the tooth by performing a root canal


Damage to the roots of the teeth may result in the need for another endodontic procedure, called an apicoectomy. This procedure involves removing the tip of the root structure and placing a cap over it to seal it off from infection. 

Why Choose Elite Endodontics of NH?

Your dentist may want to refer you to an endodontist in order to save a loose permanent tooth. Elite Endodontics of NH provides a variety of endodontic treatments and procedures that improve the chances of saving the tooth in case it becomes loose for any reason. When it comes to saving a tooth, time is an important factor, so don’t wait. 

Contact us today at the office location that is most convenient to you to schedule an appointment. 

When your dentist recommends a root canal, you may be thinking that now is not the best time. Maybe you have dental anxiety and the idea of getting a root canal fills you with dread. Maybe with or without insurance your funds are low and you think you can’t afford it. Or perhaps you’re about to go on vacation, or work is busy, or some other reason. 


Is it ok to put off a root canal? How long can you go without getting a root canal? Here’s what you need to know. 

What is a Root Canal? 

A root canal is a procedure named for the part of the tooth it addresses. The root canal is the hollow chamber at the center of a tooth. It contains dental pulp, soft tissue made up of blood vessels and nerves that aid in the development of the tooth. 


A root canal procedure, sometimes called root canal therapy, is the process of removing the dental pulp and filling the tooth with composite material. The material that replaces the dental pulp helps support the tooth structure and allows it to stay in place in your mouth. 

Why Do I Need a Root Canal? 

There are a few different reasons for root canal therapy: 

  • Tooth infection. If bacteria finds its way into the root canal it can infect the dental pulp, resulting in a toothache that can become severe. Root canal therapy can treat the infection and potentially save the tooth. 
  • Deep cavity. A cavity is a hole in the enamel of a tooth that is caused by plaque bacteria. If a cavity is deep enough that it reaches the inner portion of the tooth, there is a risk of tooth infection. A root canal performed proactively can prevent infection. 
  • Cracked or broken tooth. A tooth that is cracked or broken is also at risk of infection as bacteria may enter the root canal through the crack or exposed dentin. A root canal can prevent the damaged tooth from developing an infection. 

What Can Happen if I Don’t Get a Root Canal?

If the tooth is already infected, avoiding a root canal can result in severe pain that may eventually become unbearable. Putting a root canal off for too long can mean the tooth cannot be saved and will need to be extracted. The infection can also spread to other teeth and result in the need for more dental work or additional lost teeth. 


If a tooth is at risk of infection due to a crack, chip, or deep cavity and you put off getting a root canal, the tooth may develop a painful infection. Prevention is best in this case because you avoid discomfort and the chances of saving the tooth are greatly increased. 

Is a Root Canal Painful? 

A root canal can be performed with local anesthesia to numb the area and prevent any discomfort, similar to a basic cavity filling. If you are anxious or nervous about getting a root canal, sedation options are available to help you feel more relaxed. 

How Long Does a Root Canal Take?

A root canal typically takes about an hour, or possible an hour and half at the most. The length of the procedure depends on the size of the tooth and the complexity of the root canal structure. 

Does Insurance Cover Root Canals? 

A root canal is a restorative procedure that is covered by most dental insurance plans. It may be covered up to a certain amount or percentage, leaving a portion of the balance for you to pay. Deductibles may also apply. Contact your insurance provider for more information about your coverage. 

Why Choose Elite Endodontics of NH?

An endodontist is a dentist who specializes in diagnosing and treating conditions affecting the dental pulp, making them especially qualified to perform root canals. Elite Endodontics of NH provides root canal therapy to save one or more infected or at-risk teeth. In many cases root canal therapy can save a tooth that would otherwise need to be extracted and replaced. We have the necessary technology to perform a thorough root canal that can help your tooth last a lifetime. 

Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.

Sedation dentistry is a tool used by dentists and dental specialists to help patients feel more relaxed during procedures. It can help make invasive procedures easier to tolerate and even reduce the amount of local anesthesia that is needed. Sedation dentistry is especially helpful for patients who experience dental anxiety. 

If you’re considering sedation options for an upcoming dental procedure, you may be wondering how it works and what to expect. Here’s an overview of the various types of sedation and how they work. 

What is Sedation Dentistry? 

Sedation dentistry is the term used to describe the use of medically induced relaxation techniques during dental procedures. Local anesthesia is often used in dentistry to numb the area being treated so the patient will not feel any pain. But when local anesthesia is not enough to help the patient feel fully relaxed, sedation may be recommended. 

Types of Sedation Used in Dentistry 

There are a few different types of sedation that may be used during dental procedures: 

  • Nitrous oxide. Administered through a mask worn over the nose, nitrous oxide provides a calm, relaxed feeling. The patient simply breathes in and out through their nose as the nitrous oxide takes effect. Patients often describe a euphoric feeling with tingling fingers and toes and a heaviness in their limbs. The patient is fully conscious, but relaxed. Nitrous oxide takes effect quickly and wears off just as quickly, in a matter of minutes. 
  • Conscious oral sedation. An oral sedative can be prescribed in pill or liquid form that the patient is instructed to take before arriving for their appointment. As it takes effect the patient may feel sleepy or groggy. They will remain conscious for the entire procedure but may not remember much afterwards.
  • IV sedation. Intravenous sedation is a medication that is administered directly into the bloodstream. The patient will be conscious but unaware of their surroundings. They may even feel as if they are asleep, but they are still responsive. IV sedation may be used for more invasive procedures. 

Which Type of Sedation is Best for Me? 

If you are feeling nervous or anxious about a dental procedure, sedation dentistry may help reduce your stress. The type of sedation that would work best for you may depend on the procedure you are having and your personal preferences. 

Nitrous oxide is the mildest form of sedation available. It wears off quickly afterwards, allowing you to resume your regular daily activities if you feel up to it. You can even drive yourself home in most cases. 

Conscious oral sedation and IV sedation both require you to have a loved one or trusted friend drive you to and from your appointment. Both forms of sedation take a few hours to wear off completely. It is usually best to rest at home for the remainder of the day after these types of sedation. 

Elite Endodontics of NH Provides Sedation Dentistry 

If you’re in need of an endodontic procedure, such as a root canal or endodontic surgery, sedation may be recommended or even requested by you. Feeling nervous or anxious about a dental procedure is normal, but you don’t have to feel this way. Sedation can help you relax and have a stress-free experience. While under sedation, patients often feel as if the time passes more quickly. Next thing you know you’re resting at home or moving on with your daily activities. 

Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment. 

A knocked out tooth is one of the most common types of dental trauma. A tooth can be knocked out due to an accident, sports injury, or a fall. The experience can be frightening, but the good news is that if you act quickly, there’s a good chance your tooth can be saved. 

What To Do If Your Tooth Gets Knocked Out 

If your tooth is knocked completely out of the socket, the first thing you need to do is handle it carefully to avoid damaging it. Pick up the tooth by the crown and avoid touching the root. Plug the drain of your sink and gently rinse the tooth in lukewarm water. Put the tooth back in the socket if you can and bite down on some sterile gauze or a clean cloth. If you can’t get the tooth back in the socket, put it in a container of milk. 

Call Elite Endodontics of NH right away at 603-882-5455 for our Hudson office or 603-628-2891 for our Hooksett office. During regular office hours we will see you as soon as possible. If you reach our after hours voicemail, please follow the instructions for emergencies and someone from our office will contact you promptly to address the situation. 

How Long Do I Have To Save The Tooth? 

We have the best chance of saving a knocked out tooth if we can treat it within 30 minutes. This is why we recommend that you call us right away, even if our office is closed. Once the tooth is out of the socket for more than 30 minutes it begins to dry out and break down. The blood vessels and nerves inside the tooth will die and the tooth will no longer have any sustenance. 

How is a Knocked Out Tooth Treated?

As long as the tooth is still viable, it can be placed back in the socket. A dental splint is used to stabilize the tooth while the natural support structures heal and reattach to the tooth. The jaw bone, connective tissues, and gums need time to tighten down around the tooth to hold it in place. Once this occurs the dental splint can be removed. 

In some cases a tooth may need a root canal after it is placed back in the socket. Force trauma can damage the dental pulp, the soft tissue inside the tooth that contains the blood vessels and nerves that sustain the tooth. A root canal involves removing the dental pulp, cleaning out the inside of the tooth, and filling it with a replacement material that prevents infection and allows the tooth to remain in the socket. 

Can a Knocked Out Baby Tooth Be Saved?

A primary (baby) tooth that is knocked out cannot be saved. If you attempt to put it back in the socket, it could damage the permanent tooth underneath. A baby tooth that still has the roots intact was not yet ready to be shed naturally and may need a space maintainer to hold the place open for the permanent tooth to come in when it is ready. If the tooth was already loose or if the roots are worn down, it is likely that the permanent tooth is ready to come in and a space maintainer is not necessary. 

Call Elite Endodontics Right Away In Case of Dental Trauma 

If you or a loved one are experiencing a dental emergency of any kind, please call us right away, inside or outside of normal office hours. Immediate treatment can be the largest determining factor in a successful outcome, especially in the case of a knocked out tooth. At Elite Endodontics of NH we have experience handling dental trauma of all kinds. We understand that this can be a stressful experience, but we provide calm and professional service.

Call 603-882-5455 (Hudson) or 603-628-2891(Hooksett) immediately in case of a dental emergency. For non emergencies, contact us with questions or to schedule an appointment.

Preventative general or family dentistry includes all treatments and services provided by general dentists that aim to prevent oral health problems, such as tooth decay, and gum disease. General dentists who pursue additional education, training, and experience to specialize in the treatment of infection, injury, and disease of the interior of the tooth (pulp) are called endodontists. Endodontists also provide treatments aimed at prevention. However, in endodontics, the focus is on preventing tooth loss by preserving natural teeth.

Preventing Tooth Loss 

Teeth that suffer from significant decay, infection, or trauma are at risk of being lost. If left untreated, diseased, cracked, or deteriorated teeth will eventually fall out. This not only leaves a gap in your smile but leads to a deterioration in your jawbone. Why?


The tooth root anchors your teeth to the jawbone. When a tooth is lost or extracted so is the root. Without the tooth root, the jawbone and the soft tissues have nothing to attach to, so they begin to recede. 


 A receding jaw bone can cause an altered facial appearance, resulting in a sunken look around the mouth, jaw, and chin. A receding jawbone also puts nearby teeth at risk of becoming loose and ultimately lost. Endodontists specialize in treatments that prevent this from happening. As such, preserving the natural tooth and its root is the primary goal of endodontics.


Endodontic Treatments to Preserve Natural Teeth

Fortunately, even badly decayed, infected, or damaged teeth may be preserved with endodontic treatments. 


Root canal

A root canal is necessary to rid the tooth pulp of infection, or debris from decay. During a root canal, the interior of the tooth is accessed by the endodontist who then removes the decay and debris, and treats the infection. The canals of the roots may also be reshaped to prevent future infection. The interior of the tooth is then filled and sealed. Ultimately the tooth is covered with a dental crown. The natural tooth and its all-important root, remain intact.


Endodontic Retreatment

Most root canals are successful. Occasionally, however, an infection can return to a tooth that has already had a root canal performed. In this case, the tooth will need another root canal, known as endodontic retreatment. The goal of endodontic retreatment is, like a root canal, to prevent the loss of the natural tooth. 



When children develop an infection in their baby (primary) teeth, a pulpotomy may be necessary to treat the tooth. A pulpotomy is typically only recommended for younger children who may be years from getting their permanent teeth. The procedure is very similar to a root canal for adults, which is why it is often referred to as a baby root canal. 


Cracked Teeth and Dental Trauma

Teeth that crack in half, or those that suffer acute trauma from a sports injury, car accident, bike accident, or fall will likely need endodontic treatment to prevent the loss of the tooth. Any direct hit to a tooth, or a crack in a tooth, exposes the pulp to the risk of infection or inflammation. Root canals are frequently needed for cracked teeth and dental trauma, to save the natural tooth and the tooth root. 


Schedule an Endodontic Treatment

Elite Endodontics provides all endodontic treatments available that prevent tooth loss, by preserving natural teeth and natural tooth roots. To schedule an appointment, call 603-882-5455. If you prefer, you may request an appointment online, and our friendly team will contact you to schedule a convenient day and time for your treatment.

Contact our office today to schedule your appointment!

182 Central Street
Hudson, NH 03051
1310 Hooksett Road
Hooksett, NH 03106
60 Whittier Hwy, Unit 1
Moultonborough, NH 03254
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